Home Projects Health Care iTalent modular data center solution used in Jingyuan County Gymnasium project

iTalent modular data center solution used in Jingyuan County Gymnasium project

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Offered product: iTalent Modular data center solution

Time: 2024

Location: Gansu · China

As the service network and scale of the Jingyuan County Gymnasium continue to expand, the total electricity cost consisting of IT equipment electricity and air conditioning system electricity accounts for about 65% of the computer room operating costs.

In order to solve this problem, INVT Network Power proposed the iTalent modular data center solution, in-row cooling closed cooling space to achieve precise cooling near the server side, greatly improving cooling efficiency.

Prefabricated Data Center Solution used in Jingyuan County Gymnasium-INVT Network Power

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  • Add : 6th Tower, Building A, INVT Guangming Technology Building, Songbai Road, Matian, Guangming District, Shenzhen, PR China
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